Saturday, April 23, 2011

Online Business Mindset

Since you are reading this article, I am sure that you are interested in making money online. Many think that this is an easy way of making quick money and even go further in imagining themselves sitting on their sofa watching TV while their bank account is piling up with money. Well, I am sorry to give you this news but this is all an illusion.
Online business is like any other business - you need to dedicate some of your time regularly to become successful. One of aspects that most people ignore is to have the right state of mind or mindset to run this business.

Having the right mindset means have the ability to constantly focus and act towards you business objectives. You must act like a successful business person even if you are just starting up your project. But your question will be "How will I do that?". There are various ways how to get that business entrepreneurial mindset. You are what you feed your mind. There are numerous books and online forums and blogs out there that will help you in fine-tuning your way of thinking and acting. Read, read and read. Participate in subject related discussion and talk to people who are successful and ask questions. Feed your mind with the right know and gradually you will be molding your behavior into that of a successful entrepreneur.

Your daily routine will most probably change. You might not switch on your TV anymore as you believe that you better spend that hour writing an article to increase you SEO presence and hence have better ranking on Google. But does this mean that I cannot rest or entertain myself? It is definitely not the case. In each day you must have time for yourself and time to share with your loved ones and friends. If you spend your entire day on your computer you isolate your self from the rest of the world. Any extreme measure is bad for you: being it business, food, drink etc. Always find a balance in your daily life. Plan your day properly and stick to your plan. Create time to take care of your mind, body and your self.

By self I mean your inner self, the real you. This has a lot to do in your online business. If you are at peace within you, you will deliver good results in whatever you do. While if you are troubled within you, you deliver twisted unpleasant results. So clear your troubles first and then proceed with your daily life with a clear mind. Always dedicate at least 5 minutes a day in silence so you can hear your inner self. This is what I call my battery charger. I normally do this when I start my day early morning before my walk. It is a great way to start your day.

I know that I did not write anything about making money online but your mindset is essential in your success. Never forget that your will to make money online started from a thought in your brain. Now it's time to develop that thought into an action plan and with the right mindset you will create the right road map towards your online business success.

I wish you a good day - you deserve it.

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How To Start Online Business

The process of earning a living has taken a new turn with the advent of the internet. You can make money by starting an online business. All you need is a computer with access to the internet. You must also have an account with sites such as PayPal or Moneybookers, etc., to be able to send and receive payments online. The best part is that you do not have to take instructions and wait on other people. You are your own boss!
There are many people who are not happy with their day jobs. Their day starts at perhaps seven in the morning. They work till six to seven in the evening on an average. On some days they may have to stay longer to finish their work. Weekend is the only time they have for themselves and when there is some sort of urgent work, they might have to work then too. For those who love and breathe their jobs, this is perhaps perfectly fine. But there are people with other commitments. They might find it difficult to practically spend 75 percent of their lives on the job and at the same time fulfill other commitments, least of which is allowing time for their own family and selves.

If you are one of them and looking for a better way out, you have come to the right place! There is now an easier and more effective way to make money by doing something you like to do and that too at your own convenience! You can start an online business and work from the comfort of your house whenever you choose to and still make a lot of money. You also get a chance to allow time for other commitments such as family, friends and your own self. What is life, if you do not enjoy it and live it the way you want? After all, it is your life!

To start a business online, all you need is a computer with an internet connection. You have to first decide what you are good at. For example, there are writing jobs, voice over jobs, requirements for web designing and graphic designing, internet marketing, photography and so on - everything that can be done online! You can sign up with these sites and pursue what you have always wanted to do! In some of these sites, a fresher needs to hunt for clients. Rather, bid. Whoever wins the bid gets to do the job and get paid for it. So, in the case of jobs like writing, designing etc, you have to build a good portfolio for the clients to examine and decide if they need you.

Once you acquire a few clients, all you need to do is retain them for some time till you gain some confidence. Then you can add more to your client list and expand your business further, if you are interested. Thus starting an online business is perhaps the best thing because you are your own boss!


The Importance of a Business Accountant

Business Accountant

Business accountants are a critical component to any small business. But it is just as critical to find a great business account because just having one isn't enough. An accountant is no longer just a number cruncher. They are financial advisers and planners as well and they can point you in the right direction to properly manage and maximize your company's money. They document exactly where the company's money goes and they are up to date on current tax laws and can help a business save money where it might be losing money without an accountant. Because accountants are in charge of company finances it is critically important that you find an accountant with integrity, that is honest, and that can be trusted.
Certified Public Accountants

To become a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) an accountant must pass certain qualifications. CPA's require a certain level of schooling as well as experience. They also need to pass rigorous testing to prove their competence. In addition they must continue their education so that they are informed on all the newest tax laws. Because of these things a CPA is a much more knowledgeable and informed accountant. When starting out small businesses generally need a CPA to make sure that they aren't losing money where they shouldn't be and to keep their finances in very good order. There are many laws that a CPA will know about that a general accountant just won't know because they haven't had the schooling. CPA's are more expensive, but if you hire one that is trustworthy your accountant will tell you when you are paying them too much for services that could be handled by a general accountant.

What Does an Accountant Handle?

Accountants do a variety of tasks for small businesses. They should be involved in the start up process of any new business. They can help with planning, negotiating leases, and setting up book-keeping systems. As soon as a business is up and running an accountant prepares tax returns, annual information returns, quarterly reviews, and can offer financial advice. An accountant will set up efficient and organized book-keeping systems to make sure that any information needed can be found easily. An accountant can take care of business taxes as well as helping with personal tax planning. A lot of the time personal taxes are intertwined with business taxes and having an accountant will help to manage money more effectively. Accountants also provide a business an opportunity to network and receive referrals that it would not otherwise receive. Accounts have many different customers and they can let those clients know when beneficial opportunities arise. They may bring in new customers to a business they work for, or they might be able to facilitate new business partnerships that a business wouldn't get without them.

Accountants are highly valuable in the business world. If you are a small business you need a business accountant or a small business consultant to make sure that you aren't wasting money when you could be saving it. A business accountant knows tax laws and can make sure that you pay what is necessary and don't pay what you shouldn't be paying. The value of having a small business accountant can not be overstated. They are critical to financial planning for a small business and handling business taxes, which are governed by complicated rules. A business accountant can make or break a business, especially if it's just starting out. You need to make sure that you have an accountant that is knowledgeable and that you can trust.

Rebecca Moser is the founder of Moser & Associates which provides business accountant services to Minnesota including, tax planning, tax preparation and payroll services. Rebecca is a Certified Personal Accountant (CPA). She has over 15 years of tax and accounting experience with small and mid-size CPA firms. She is very active in professional, business and community organizations including several not for profit organizations and has made an art of helping others and their businesses.


Monday, April 18, 2011

What to Look For When Buying a New Laptop

The price of laptops has gone down tremendously over the last few years. Not too long ago a decent laptop would easily have set you back a few thousand dollars. These days, you can pick up a good laptop for as low as $500.00 at your local Walmart. But with thousands of laptops to choose from, and more coming out every week, how do you pick the one that’s right for you? Below are 5 tips to help you make the right decision when looking to buy a new laptop.
1). Determine Your Needs

The first step in figuring out which laptop is right for you is to determine your unique needs. Most students for example would place the emphasis on price, portability, and battery life. In that situation you should look for a laptop with a 14- or 15-inch display. A larger screen means a heavier and bulkier laptop, making it more uncomfortable to carry around. Larger screens also deplete the battery at a much faster rate.

Home users on the other hand should look for laptops with much larger displays than the traditional 14- or 15-inch screens. As these systems typically stay anchored to your desk, table, or kitchen – perhaps occasionally being moved from room to room, the emphasis should be placed on improving the overall visual experience and performance. A larger number of USB ports (3-4) would also be helpful in order to plug-in, for example, a mouse, digital camera, printer, and external hard drive.

Business users often need something more rugged; able to withstand the stresses of constant travel. Because of this, a longer warranty plan is much more important. Security is also a concern so a laptop with extra security features is more ideal.

Determining your unique needs will help narrow down your choices considerably and help make the decision of which laptop to buy much easier.

2). A Good CPU Is Key

The CPU is the most important component of any laptop. Not cutting corners in this department is important if you want a good laptop and a good overall experience. For most users, a dual core processor is the best option. It offers excellent speed and multitasking capabilities with good power consumption. If you’re planning to use your laptop to play video games, edit video, or play HD movies, it would be wise to invest in a more powerful processor such as the Intel Core i7.

Picking the right CPU can be difficult, so do research on the individual processors available to get a better idea of how they will perform with what you’re intending to use the laptop for. When it comes to CPUs, you get what you pay for, so use the price as a guide to help you make the decision but keep in mind that the more powerful processors also consume more battery life as well.

3). Memory Is Very Important

As operating systems and programs continue to use more and more memory, this is not an area you want to overlook. If the laptop is running Windows Vista or Windows 7, then 2GB of memory or more is required for good performance. The 32-bit version of Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7, can only detect up to 4GB of memory and it’s recommended that you look for a laptop with that much.

However, RAM is cheap and easy to install. You can simply buy less in the beginning and add more if you find that the performance is not adequate. Just make sure that the laptop has a slot available to upgrade. For example, a 2GB laptop with 2 DIMM slots might have two 1GB memory sticks. In that situation you would need to throw one of the memory sticks out in order to add more.

4). Touch It Before You Buy It

These days you tend to find the best prices and deals online. However, before you make the purchase you should try and find a store with the same laptop on display. As with most products, what you see in the advertisement and what you get can be a little different. See if you like the look, shape, and feel in real life as much as in the photos. Do the keys feel nice? Does the screen have problems with glare? Is it heavier or lighter than you expected? Does it feel solid or cheap? You won’t be able to answer these questions by looking at a professionally edited advertisement picture so you need to see the product for yourself first hand whenever possible.

5). Read Reviews Online

This is the most important step. Whatever it is that you’re looking to buy, you should always get a few opinions from other sources, and the internet is the best place to go. Read a few reviews by going to Google and typing in “[laptop name] review” and to see what people have to say. Check out customer reviews from the popular online computer retailers like, NewEgg.Com,, etc.

If the reviews give you the green light, then go ahead with the purchase. If you see warning signs then consider yourself lucky to have found out sooner rather than later, and look for something different. Finding little to no information or reviews on a specific laptop is one of the biggest warning signs of all. Unless you like to gamble with your money, you should look for a laptop with some reputation. The last thing you want to do is test out new products at your own expense

Source :

Thursday, April 14, 2011

iPhone 5 Top Features

The year 2011 has been an year that has witnessed some of the latest advancements in mobile computing Technologies. Some of the best smartphones have been launched this year with the latest Hardware and Software Platforms available. To name a few, we have:

* Google Nexus S
* Motorolla Atrix
* Samsung Galaxy S2
* HTC Thunderbolt
With rumors all around the internet about Apple Launching its next generation of Phone i.e. "iPhone 5″, what can we expect from this phone?

Dual Core Processor and Better Graphics - A5 Chip

After the release of iPad 2 and some other smartphones coming up with faster dual core processors, we can surely expect the Apple A5 chip in the new iPhone. The A5 contains a dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore CPU and a dual-core PowerVR SGX543MP2 GPU. Apple lists the A5 to be clocked at 1 GHz on the iPad 2′s technical specifications page, though it can dynamically adjust its frequency to save battery life. Apple states that the CPU is twice as powerful and the GPU up to nine times as powerful as its predecessor, the Apple A4.

Another important aspect of this chip is how efficient it is in terms of Battery Life. With the Launch of iPad 2, Apple announced a Battery life of 10 Hrs even with its improved hardware and performance. The same thing can be expected from iPhone 5.

Near Field Communication

A lot of rumors have been there whether iPhone 5 will incorporate Near Field Communication Hardware within it or not. Now considering that Google Nexus S featuring NFC technology, and Blackberry also planning to use NFC for its smartphones, Apple may not be behind them. Apple will try its best to incorporate NFC in its next generation iPhone 5. After all, Apple has been known to bring the Best to the iPhone.

What kind of Display will iPhone 5 have?

Currently the iPhone 4 has a retina Display with a resolution of 960 x 640 pixels in area. This is by far the highest resolution in any smartphone available in the Market. According to the reports the new iPhone 5 will continue to have the same screen resolution. Another reason why Apple wouldn't change their resolution is that it may be a problem with the App Development. Even though the iPhone 4 supports retina display but a majority of Applications' interface is designed to keeping the older phones in mind. The advantage of Retina Display is that the text and Pictures are much sharper and Clearer than before. There are a very few number of Apps that have been written only for Apple's Retina Display.

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